June: Your (New) Month of Motivation

Jun 7, 2019

The year is halfway over, school’s out, the sun is shining, and you’re feeling…less than motivated at work. Hey, no judgment here—it happens to all of us. This time of year, many of us are in an energetic slump, distracted by summer activities, or both. But while January is often considered a peak time to talk about staying motivated, we think June is as good a time as any (dare we say, even better than January?) to pay special attention to motivation.
This month, we’re bringing you content that defines motivation, and then asks three simple but important questions: 1) How can we find (and keep!) our intrinsic motivation? 2) How do we acknowledge other people’s motivations in our daily interactions? And 3) How can we create environments that help motivate others? Our goal here is to try and think differently about this topic in order to improve our day-to-day work lives.
Excited? We are, too! Here’s what you can expect to learn from our content over the next month:
  • The role managers play in motivation
  • The motivation within: The basics of intrinsic motivation and what they mean in the workplace
  • Ways to identify and understand your own personal motivators and those of others (and what to do about it!)
Stay tuned for blog and social posts to make June your most motivated month ever! Until then, check out this awesome TED Talk, Dan Pink’s “The Puzzle of Motivation.”
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