Man and woman coworkers in a manufacturing setting working around a laptop together. Both have DiSC style halos.

Harness the Power of Conflict

What Is Everything DiSC®
Productive Conflict?

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict increases learners’ self-awareness around conflict behaviours, helping them
effectively respond to uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict. 

Rather than focusing on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, this learning experience combines the
personalised insights of DiSC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioural theory to help participants recognise
 and transform their destructive habits into more productive responses.




Automatic thought


First, step back, then, reframe


Productive response

The result is improved workplace relationships that drive results.

The Productive Conflict Learning Experience

1. Take the Productive Conflict Assessment

Built using the latest adaptive testing methodology, the research-validated Everything DiSC Productive Conflict assessment asks participants to respond to behavioural statements. Each participant receives precise and personalised insights.
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict on Catalyst sample question.
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict on Catalyst sample question.

2. Discover the Productive Conflict Learning Experience

Learners receive their Productive Conflict results through their personalised, narrative-style PDF report. This report provides participants with techniques to curb destructive behaviours and effectively respond to conflict situations. Learners will:
  • Deepen their understanding of self and others in conflict
  • Understand and recognise destructive behaviours
  • Explore techniques to redirect destructive behaviours into more productive responses
Sample Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile. Sample DiSC profile is a Di style.
Sample Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile. Sample DiSC profile is a Di style.

3. Bring the Learning to Life

Productive Conflict comes to life in a fully customisable, engaging, and educational virtual or in-person classroom experience designed to inspire rich conversations and spark “aha!” moments that inspire lasting behaviour change.
Everything DiSC virtual classroom meeting. Four people are in the meeting. The top left is wearing green to represent the D DiSC style, the top right is wearing red to represent the i DiSC style, the
Everything DiSC virtual classroom meeting. Four people are in the meeting. The top left is wearing green to represent the D DiSC style, the top right is wearing red to represent the i DiSC style, the

4. Resources to Apply DiSC® to Real-World Situations

Everything DiSC Comparison Report:
Inspire effective collaboration with Comparison Reports. Any two participants can explore their similarities and differences, potential challenges in working together, and practical tips for improving their working relationship.
Everything DiSC Team View:
This report is an at-a-glance view of an unlimited number of respondents and their individual Everything DiSC maps.
Everything DiSC Group Culture Report:
Examines the DiSC culture of a group, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each style and its influence on decisions.

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict
Learning Modules

Led by an Everything DiSC expert, Productive Conflict comes to life in a virtual or in-person facilitation experience.
Each learning module inspires rich conversation and “aha!” moments that make the learning real (and fun!).

Two coworkers with a storm cloud above their heads. The storm cloud represents that they are in conflict.

Module 1: DiSC in Conflict

Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their own and others’ conflict behaviours.

Person stomping on a printer. This represents a destructive response.

Module 2: Destructive Responses

Participants learn how their thoughts can conflict with behaviours and what thoughts and behaviours might be typical for them.

Person fixing the printer. This represents changing your responses from destructive to productive.

Module 3: Changing Your Response

Participants learn how to “catch” and reframe their thoughts, which can help them choose more productive behaviours in conflict.

"I don’t think there is anything out there that is so applicable in the workplace as Everything DiSC."

Scott Barth

Everything DiSC Authorized Partner

“Members are now saying that they’ve applied DiSC on their job site with their crews—and that they should’ve had it 20 years ago because of the improved dynamics they see on the job.”

Bob Jacobson

Senior Program Director, United Brotherhood of Carpenters

  • a woman wearing a purple shirt.
  • a woman wearing a gray blazer.
  •  a man wearing a green jacket

Harness the Power of Conflict with Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Today!

Get Started